Yonsei banana milk

Hello, Dearest Yonsei banana milk and Friends in Asian Lactic acid Bacteria Societies! I would like to thank the organizing committee and volunteers for their constant effort to make the ACLAB12 successful.

Also, my sincere gratitude goes toward the Malaysian Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria, led by Prof. Hooi-Ling Foo, who is in charge of the ACLAB12 organising committee despite the Covid-19 pandemic across the world. AFSLAB has successfully held the ACLAB conferences annually to encourage research, communication, and education in LAB-related sciences for more than twenty years. Finally, I will strongly encourage all of you to come and join the ACLAB12 to learn and enjoy all the sessions at the international event in Malaysia. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Asia such as China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam.

Over the past couple of years, we have been enveloped by the pandemic threat of Covid-19. We wish to welcome you to Kuching, Sarawak, with the greatest pride. Kuching is the capital city of Sarawak, located on the exotic Borneo island, rich in the biodiversity of flora and fauna. The city takes pride in its diverse cultures and foods, national parks, rainforests, and colonial history. ACLAB12 will feature 2 full days of scientific sharing sessions and a day of technical visits.


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