What is prime rib

To save this word, you’ll need to log in. The interest rate is two percent plus prime. The wine industry is what is prime rib prime importance to the California economy. The police have not yet named the prime suspect in the murder investigation.

The house is expensive because it’s in a prime location. She was obviously primed for the questions at the press conference. Both teams are primed for battle and ready to play. We sanded and primed the woodwork before painting. Although 34 and past his prime, Pelé gave soccer a higher profile in North America. The Salt Lake Tribune, 29 Dec. Tales Azzoni And Mauricio Savarese, Anchorage Daily News, 29 Dec.

That of the Yellowstone Ranch, upon which the fictional Dutton family has lived since the late 1800s, is foremost in the mind of patriarch John Dutton III, played by Kevin Costner with the gruff bluster of a cowboy past his prime. While a one-year deal is considered relatively risk-free, Bellinger will undergo considerably more scrutiny than Peña, who was past his prime by the time the Cubs provided him with a comfy landing spot. Paul Sullivan, Chicago Tribune, 11 Dec. With its prime waterfront perch, the 1 Hotel in Dumbo truly has the most spectacular views of Lower Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge. The area near the mine used to be prime habitat for wild turkey and deer.

Wudan Yan, Popular Mechanics, 5 Jan. The next big mass layoff may be coming from the world’s prime search giant. Sit-down restaurants The Rustic and Dish Society, both with a few locations in Texas already, will enjoy prime spots at the airport, as will Fat Cat Creamery, a local favorite for ice cream. For a looming stimulus, a nucleus of nerve cells in the midbrain called the optic tectum has served as the prime threat detector since the early days of vertebrate evolution. Tom Siegfried, Smithsonian Magazine, 4 Jan. Whoever was chosen would take over the debts, but also inherit all of the business’s equipment and nearly 150 acres of prime farmland and forest. Hisako Ueno, New York Times, 3 Jan.

All but the information about labor enforcement actions was already required of prime city contractors, but none of the information had been required of subcontractors. This kit includes a pre-rinse that helps prime your smile for the whitening toothpaste, plus an accelerator, and activating rods that follow. Harper’s Bazaar Staff, Harper’s BAZAAR, 3 Jan. Before you get started with this routine, do a brief warm-up to help properly prime your body. The point was to prime them to use what’s called a defensive withdraw reflex — basically, the slug version of a flinch.

Mercedes says this is an efficiency-minded feature that also helps to prime the brakes for sudden stops. Mike Sutton, Car and Driver, 29 Sep. The upcoming heat could not only cause an uptick in fire activity but also prime the landscape for autumn’s inevitable fierce winds. Diana Leonard, Anchorage Daily News, 29 Aug.

After filling up the water reservoir and plugging in the machine, the LED screen on the top will prompt you to prime the lines and clean them. Her powerful first serve, penetrating and relatively flat groundstrokes, and ability to counterpunch from low body positions would seemingly prime her to succeed on grass. To prime the pump, the original Avatar was rereleased in theaters last week. David Sims, The Atlantic, 28 Sep.

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