Wedding cake designs

They celebrated their wedding on March 27th. Le mariage a eu lieu wedding cake designs 27 mars.

Les noces ont eu lieu le 27 mars. Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. Ce photographe fait de magnifiques photos de mariage. Les photos du mariage étaient magnifiques.

Signalez une erreur ou suggérez une amélioration. The two young people plan to wed on Saturday. Les deux jeunes gens comptent se marier samedi. Steve a épousé son amour de jeunesse. The registrar wed the young couple.

L’officier de l’état civil a marié le jeune couple. This tart weds chocolate with pears to make a delicious dessert. Cette tarte marie le chocolat et les poires pour en faire un délicieux dessert. Robert and Felicity have been wed for thirty years. Robert et Felicity sont mariés depuis trente ans. They had a civil ceremony in June but she still wants a real church wedding. Le mariage civil a eu lieu en juin mais elle veut encore un mariage religieux.

The bride and groom decided on a civil wedding as they were not themselves religious people. Her dream wedding would be in Hawaii. My parents will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary next year. Mes parents fêtent leurs noces d’or l’année prochaine. La robe de mariée de Jane était à couper le souffle. Yes, it was definitely a shotgun wedding: the bride gave birth at the reception!

Oui, c’était vraiment un mariage précipité : la mariée a accouché pendant la réception. They had a party to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. Ils ont organisé une fête pour célébrer leurs noces d’argent. Simon opened his fly and showed Marie his tackle.

Simon a ouvert sa braguette et a montré son paquet à Marie. November 9th is our wedding anniversary. Le 9 novembre, c’est notre anniversaire de mariage. They only sent wedding announcements to their more distant relatives. After the ceremony, the wedding breakfast was held at a five-star hotel. The wedding cake had three tiers, a chocolate interior, and white glaze for frosting.

Barry and Tracy had their wedding celebration in the local pub. Barry et Tracy ont tenu leur réception de mariage au pub local. Although a tuxedo and a dress are the typical wedding clothes, some people opt for more casual attire. Ever since she was a little girl, she had dreamed of and planned for her wedding day.

I tried on several wedding dresses before I found the perfect one. Nous avons reçu des dizaines de cadeaux de mariage. The bride did not recognize the wedding guest in the brown tuxedo. Leur nuit de noces a été inoubliable ! The wedding reception will follow the church ceremony.

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