Valentine gifts for teenage daughters

The album releases for Valentine gifts for teenage daughters 13th, 2023. Nashville-based rock band, Colony House, exclusively share their new music video for “Would Ya Could Ya.

Listen to a new song from Paramore. Jason’s weekly thoughts on music, media, and other stuff. MUNA are heading out on tour. The supporter system gets a few needed upgrades.

NOFX have announced their final tour dates. Billboard: Swift loomed so large on vinyl in 2022, nearly one of every 25 vinyl LPs sold last year in the U. Swift’s latest release, Midnights, was the top-selling vinyl album of 2022 in the U. Brian Fallon of The Gaslight Anthem is on the latest Sailor Jerry podcast. He mentions Peter Katis is producing the new album. Craig Manning makes the case for ‘Battle Born,’ the unfairly maligned 2012 album from The Killers, on the occasion of the album’s 10th anniversary.

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