Use of apple cider vinegar

On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of use of apple cider vinegar page across from the article title. Not to be confused with value-in-use.

Marx acknowledges that commodities being traded also have a general utility, implied by the fact that people want them, but he argues that this by itself says nothing about the specific character of the economy in which they are produced and sold. The concepts of value, use value, utility, exchange value and price have a very long history in economic and philosophical thought. From Aristotle to Adam Smith and David Ricardo, their meanings have evolved. To begin with, a commodity, in the language of the English economists, is ‘any thing necessary, useful or pleasant in life,’ an object of human wants, a means of existence in the widest sense of the term. Use-value as an aspect of the commodity coincides with the physical palpable existence of the commodity.

Wheat, for example, is a distinct use-value differing from the use-values of cotton, glass, paper, etc. The concept is also introduced at the beginning of Das Kapital, where Marx writes, but in the extract below he holds it up as a critique of Hegel’s liberal “Philosophy of Right”. The utility of a thing makes it a use value. But this utility is not a thing of air.

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