Unique valentines day gifts

Find the unique unique valentines day gifts of an array. Returns the sorted unique elements of an array.

Unless axis is specified, this will be flattened if it is not already 1-D. If True, also return the number of times each unique item appears in ar. If None, ar will be flattened. If an integer, the subarrays indexed by the given axis will be flattened and treated as the elements of a 1-D array with the dimension of the given axis, see the notes for more details.

Object arrays or structured arrays that contain objects are not supported if the axis kwarg is used. If True, collapses multiple NaN values in the return array into one. The indices of the first occurrences of the unique values in the original array. Only provided if return_index is True. The indices to reconstruct the original array from the unique array. Only provided if return_inverse is True.

The number of times each of the unique values comes up in the original array. Only provided if return_counts is True. Module with a number of other functions for performing set operations on arrays. When an axis is specified the subarrays indexed by the axis are sorted. The flattened subarrays are then viewed as a structured type with each element given a label, with the effect that we end up with a 1-D array of structured types that can be treated in the same way as any other 1-D array. Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets.

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