Tortellini alfredo

Ursprünglich stammen sie wohl aus der italienischen Provinz Bologna. Hier sind sie als traditionelle Bologneser Spezialität seit 1974 bei der Handwerkskammer in Bologna eingetragen. Legenden besagen, dass die Tortellini dem Bauchnabel von Venus, tortellini alfredo Göttin der Liebe in der römischen Mythologie bzw. Aphrodite in der griechischen Mythologie, nachempfunden sind.

Venus, so die Legenden, kam zu einem Wirtshaus in Bologna. Ob sie sich dort mit Jupiter treffen wollte oder ob der Wirt ihr zu Ehren ein Fest veranstaltete, ist unklar. Dotta Confraternita del Tortellino, abgerufen am 2. Hädecke Verlag GmbH, 2013, ISBN 978-377-500659-0. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 17.

Februar 2022 um 01:03 Uhr bearbeitet. Regelfall durch Anklicken dieser abgerufen werden. Tortellini are a ring-shaped stuffed Italian pasta. In addition to being popular in Italy, the filled pasta is also well known and beloved in many other parts of the world. A wide range of fillings from vegan mushroom blends to hearty meat and cheese mixes can be found in tortellini, and the pasta can be served in a number of ways. It is said that the shape of tortellini was inspired by the female navel.

Indeed, the stuffed pasta does look rather like a bellybutton. The pasta has certainly been made for quite some time, and it is common in Italian cuisine. Different regions have unique traditional fillings and serving techniques, making the dish quite varied across Italy. Is Amazon actually giving you a competitive price?

This little known plugin reveals the answer. Cheese-stuffed tortellini can be tossed with a chunky sauce that features fresh tomatoes and onions. Any kind of pasta salad usually goes over well at family gatherings, and I love to make a cold tortellini salad. Mushrooms can make a good vegetarian filling for tortellini. Some tortellini has spinach added for color. Subscribe to our newsletter and learn something new every day. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title.

This is the latest accepted revision, reviewed on 12 January 2023. Not to be confused with Tortelloni. In the area of origin they are usually sold fresh or home-made. Industrially packaged, dried, refrigerated, or frozen tortellini appear in many locations around the world, especially where there are large Italian communities. Bologna and Modena, cities in Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region, claim to be its birthplace. The recipe for a dish called “torteletti” appears in 1570 from Bartolomeo Scappi.

Vincenzo Tanara’s writings in the mid-17th century may be responsible for the pasta’s renaming to tortellini. In the 1800s, legends sprang up to explain the recipe’s origins, offering a compromise. Tortelloni is pasta in a similar shape, but larger, typically 5 g, vs. 2 g for tortellini, and with the extremities closed differently.

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