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On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. This article is about human fingerprints. A fingerprint is an impression left by the friction ridges of a human finger. The recovery of partial fingerprints thumbprint cookies a crime scene is an important method of forensic science.

Moisture and grease on a finger result in fingerprints on surfaces such as glass or metal. Human fingerprints are detailed, nearly unique, difficult to alter, and durable over the life of an individual, making them suitable as long-term markers of human identity. They may be employed by police or other authorities to identify individuals who wish to conceal their identity, or to identify people who are incapacitated or deceased and thus unable to identify themselves, as in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Their use as evidence has been challenged by academics, judges and the media.

Fingerprints are impressions left on surfaces by the friction ridges on the finger of a human. The matching of two fingerprints is among the most widely used and most reliable biometric techniques. Fingerprint matching considers only the obvious features of a fingerprint. The organic component is made up of amino acids, proteins, glucose, lactase, urea, pyruvate, fatty acids and sterols. Inorganic ions such as chloride, sodium, potassium and iron are also present. Consensus within the scientific community suggests that the dermatoglyphic patterns on fingertips are hereditary. Whereas genes determine the general characteristics of patterns and their type, the presence of environmental factors result in the slight differentiation of each fingerprint.

However, the relative influences of genetic and environmental effects on fingerprint patterns are generally unclear. It is important to note that the determination of fingerprint inheritance is made difficult by the vast diversity of phenotypes. Several modes of inheritance have been suggested and observed for various fingerprint patterns. Multivariate linkage analysis of finger ridge counts on individual fingers revealed linkage to chromosome 5q14.

1 specifically for the ring, index, and middle fingers. Before computerization, manual filing systems were used in large fingerprint repositories. A fingerprint classification system groups fingerprints according to their characteristics and therefore helps in the matching of a fingerprint against a large database of fingerprints. 35 percent, and 5 percent of all fingerprints respectively. This section may be confusing or unclear to readers. There might be a discussion about this on the talk page.

The system used by most experts, although complex, is similar to the Henry Classification System. The numbers assigned to each print are based on whether or not they are whorls. A whorl in the first fraction is given a 16, the second an 8, the third a 4, the fourth a 2, and 0 to the last fraction. Arches and loops are assigned values of 0. A 1 is added to both top and bottom, to exclude any possibility of division by zero.

An intentional recording of friction ridges is usually made with black printer’s ink rolled across a contrasting white background, typically a white card. Friction ridges can also be recorded digitally, usually on a glass plate, using a technique called Live Scan. A “latent print” is the chance recording of friction ridges deposited on the surface of an object or a wall. When friction ridges come into contact with a surface that will take a print, material that is on the friction ridges such as perspiration, oil, grease, ink, or blood, will be transferred to the surface. Factors which affect the quality of friction ridge impressions are numerous. Exemplar prints, or known prints, is the name given to fingerprints deliberately collected from a subject, whether for purposes of enrollment in a system or when under arrest for a suspected criminal offense. In forensic science a partial fingerprint lifted from a surface, is called a latent fringerprint.

Moisture and grease on fingers result in latent fingerprints on surfaces such as glass. While the police often describe all partial fingerprints found at a crime scene as latent prints, forensic scientists call partial fingerprints that are readily visible patent prints. Chocolate, toner, paint or ink on fingers will result in patent fingerprints. Latent fingerprints impressions that are found on soft material, such as soap, cement or plaster, are called plastic prints by forensic scientists. Fingerprint image acquisition is considered to be the most critical step in an automated fingerprint authentication system, as it determines the final fingerprint image quality, which has a drastic effect on the overall system performance. There are different types of fingerprint readers on the market, but the basic idea behind each is to measure the physical difference between ridges and valleys.

All the proposed methods can be grouped into two major families: solid-state fingerprint readers and optical fingerprint readers. In order to overcome these problems, as of 2010, non-contact or touchless 3D fingerprint scanners have been developed. Acquiring detailed 3D information, 3D fingerprint scanners take a digital approach to the analog process of pressing or rolling the finger. By modelling the distance between neighboring points, the fingerprint can be imaged at a resolution high enough to record all the necessary detail. The human skin itself, which is a regenerating organ until death, and environmental factors such as lotions and cosmetics, pose challenges when fingerprinting a human. Following the death of a human the skin dries and cools.

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