Thin cut bottom round steak

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The layer of ice on the pond was thin and fragile. La capa de hielo en la laguna era fina y frágil. My father is not as thin as he once was. Mi padre no está tan delgado como lo estaba antes.

The lawyer’s arguments were so thin that he lost the case. Los argumentos del abogado eran tan pobres que perdió el caso. The chemist thinned the substance with water. El químico diluyó la sustancia con agua. The country’s rural population thinned over time. La población rural del país disminuyó con el tiempo.

En él se pueden conectar hasta 25 Thin Clients. In cold conditions, wear many layers of thin clothing, along with a hat, boots and gloves. En clima frío, se deben usar varias capas de prendas de vestir livianas, además de sombrero o gorro, botas y guantes. Security doors are available with either thin or thick rebate. Las puertas de seguridad se suministran opcionalmente con galce estrecho o galce ancho. Read more about the benefits of our new Thin Range. Más información sobre las ventajas de nuestra línea Thin Range.

He cut a thin slice of ham. Ha tagliato una fetta sottile di prosciutto. The gift was tied with a thin strip of raffia. Il regalo era legato con un sottile filo di rafia. The thin girl had no trouble getting through the crowd. La ragazza magra non aveva problemi a passare tra la folla.

The soup was a little thin. It shouldn’t have had so much water. La minestra era un po’ acquosa. Non avrebbe dovuto avere così tanta acqua.

The trees were very thin there. Gli alberi erano molto radi là. The guitar had a thin sound for some reason. Per qualche ragione la chitarra aveva un suono debole.

Her argument was thin and failed to convince anybody. La sua argomentazione era debole e non riuscì a convincere nessuno. The material of this scarf is so thin that you can see right through it. Il materiale di questa sciarpa è così sottile che puoi addirittura vederci attraverso. Larry decided to talk to a doctor because his hair was suddenly thinning. Larry decise di parlare con un dottore perché i suoi capelli avevano improvvisamente iniziato a rarefarsi.

It needs to be thinned a little. She was trying to thin down but kept on eating potato chips every night. Stava cercando di dimagrire ma continuava a mangiare patatine ogni sera. If you thin that whiskey down, you won’t get drunk so fast. Se allunghi il whisky non ti ubriacherai subito.

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