Sweet valentine gifts for her

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These Are the Most Popular Pet Names of 2022, According to Rover—Is Your Cat or Dog’s Moniker on This List? However you decide to get crafty this February 14, these projects are not only fun and simple to make, but they’re guaranteed to make all your loved one’s hearts swell with joy. What makes these hearts so awesome? They have two chambers of surprise treats inside! Fill a pair of reusable Easter eggs with mini toys or candy. Stick them together with a dot of hot glue, wrap crepe paper around them a few times, and tuck a V of rolled-up crepe paper into the bottom for the point.

Then keep wrapping, adding flat goodies like stickers as you go. Give that “someone sent me flowers! These fabric boutonnières come together in three steps, so you can give someone a whole bouquet or pin one on everybody at brunch. Cut the shapes out of cotton-shirting material, and sew them onto felt backing. Use the flower template to trace and cut 16 petals out of fabric.

Layer them in a stack in an asterisk or flower shape. Stitch floss through center of petals—front to back, then back through. Repeat with a new strand of floss to make a cross. Knot the ends of the two strands together.

Cut out a circle of felt. Sew a pin onto it, then use the ends of floss to stitch the flower onto the circle. Fluff and twist petals in opposite directions to shape the flower. Spread the love on February 14 or any special occasion: Tuck a few of these wooden hearts into unsuspecting lunch boxes or coat pockets, or dangling one from a doorknob or rearview mirror. You do not have access to www.

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