Substitute for juniper berries

To save this word, you’ll need to log in. One of our teachers is sick, so we need someone to substitute. They substituted real candles with electric ones. Substitute for juniper berries emotional acceptance isn’t a substitute for treating a mental health condition.

250 million to help low-income New Yorkers pay overdue bills, Mamdani argues that such relief isn’t a substitute for addressing the deeper causes of that debt. Kate Aronoff, The New Republic, 6 Dec. While watching the World Cup can never be a substitute for playing in one, watching his son play in it will come pretty darn close. Nancy Armour, USA TODAY, 15 Nov.

This publication is not a substitute for such professional advice or services, nor should it be used as a basis for any decision or action that may affect your business. Tom Plaut, The Enquirer, 10 Nov. The pills are not a substitute for getting vaccinated against COVID-19. Devi Shastri, Journal Sentinel, 4 Nov.

Taking 3s isn’t a substitute for making them, but not even being willing to put them up is worst of all. Zach Osterman, The Indianapolis Star, 29 Oct. His multiple humiliations become part the movie’s creaky machinery, while Georgia seems to believe that flashing her megawatt smile is a substitute for having actual manners. Can parents and caregivers substitute different antibiotics or OTC medicine? Lisa Mulcahy, Good Housekeeping, 10 Dec.

But many in the field are wary of the idea that technology can ever substitute for a clinician’s care. Ellen Barry, New York Times, 30 Sep. No agency can substitute for having two parents to guide the way through thick and thin, sickness and health. Private cars can’t substitute for buses, light rail, and subways. Some firms have pledged not to rely on carbon offsets, saying the credits shouldn’t substitute for more direct action to wean their operations off fossil fuels. Some reviewers have complained that agents sometimes substitute their own bank details to steal product refunds that were supposed to go to reviewers. Use leftover shredded turkey in this recipe—or easily substitute beef or chicken.

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