Strong beer name

To save this word, you’ll need to log in. Strong beer name’s as strong as an ox.

The table should be strong enough to survive the trip. The builder added supports to make the walls stronger. He’ll return to work when he’s feeling a little stronger. According to research from Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit that advocates for gun control, strong gun control laws are correlated with fewer gun deaths. Elliot Hughes, Journal Sentinel, 13 Jan. This results in a charge imbalance that builds up an electric field strong enough to trigger flashes of lightning. This time, though, Europe’s households have strong balance sheets, partly thanks to government pandemic support programs, while millions of Ukrainian refugees are boosting the demand for housing.

The former Reds righthander posted a sub-3. 00 ERA in September before a pair of strong starts in the postseason. Today, though inflation’s back in our future, the big selloff launched a new era of strong real returns. Hiring remained strong last month as employers added 233,000 jobs and wages grew a robust 4. Max Zahn, ABC News, 12 Jan. Jessica Hartshorn, Good Housekeeping, 12 Jan. Deadwyler’s performance has had a strong effect on audiences.

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