Smokehouse bbq

Jennifer is a full-time homesteader who started her journey in the foothills of North Carolina in 2010. Currently, she spends smokehouse bbq days gardening, caring for her orchard and vineyard, raising chickens, ducks, goats, and bees. Jennifer is an avid canner who provides almost all food for her family needs. She enjoys working on DIY remodeling projects to bring beauty to her homestead in her spare times.

Do you enjoy smoking your meat? I mean, who doesn’t love homemade bacon or ham? After exploring the world of smoking meat here recently, I have to tell you I think everyone should have some type of a smoker and make their own meat creations. But how do you build a smoker? What are your choices for having a smoker on your property? Well, after doing lots of research before building my own smoker, I’ve learned that there are lots of different options.

So I’m going to bring you the best smokehouse plans and ideas that the internet has to offer. This smoker is a beautiful option. It is constructed from concrete blocks and cedar wood. It has plenty of room to hang lots of meat. Also, it has the option to store your wood for smoking on the side with a covered location. But the tutorial is what sets this smoker apart.

It is very thorough and has lots of pictures to make the build a little easier. This smokehouse is an easy option to build. It looks rustic, but will definitely do the trick. When people walk up on this smoker on your property, they just might think it is an outhouse. However, it is really a simple wooden shed that is meant to smoke meat.

The tutorial is thorough, so walking through the process should be simple. But this little smoker still has room for lots of meat too. This is a really adorable style smoker. It has a concrete foundation and is finished out with cedar so it should last for a long time. However, these are just plans that you have to purchase. But if you can build by just looking at something, then you could also use this smoker idea as inspiration for your own build.

If not, you can always order the plans. They are inexpensive and are available for immediate download per the description. These are literal plans to build a quaint little smokehouse that is sure to get the job done. The plans include a list of necessary materials. Plus, it also shows how to build the smoker down below the actual smokehouse so you can use wood instead of propane or any other type of smoke material. The plans are detailed and easy to read so this should be a good option for most. This smokehouse is a lot like the first one I showed you.

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