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With over 20 years of experience, Jacqueline specializes in sex advice, sex tips, and relationship advice. There are 15 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 240,085 times. Wondering if your girlfriend is in the mood for a little romance? We’ve decoded all the signs that a woman is turned on, from the way she’ll look at you to what she’ll say and do. If you want to know if your girlfriend is horny, then read on—after you check out these tips, you’ll know exactly what’s on her mind! She’ll look you up and down.

She’ll check you out to send the message that she’s excited. No matter what you’re doing, she’ll watch you intently. Even if you’re just washing the dishes or playing a video game, she’ll eye you and follow your every move. Because she’ll be thrilled to be around you, she might also blush, giggle, bite her lip, or smirk. Her pupils may also dilate, or get bigger, when she looks at you because she’s aroused. Her gaze might drop below your waist, or she may stare at certain body parts, like your arms.

She may stand in one place and forget what she’s doing since she’s so distracted by you. Her cheeks will get red because she’ll feel a lot of desire for you. Her neck and upper chest might become a little pinker, too. Her heart rate will also go up and adrenaline will make her breathe faster, so she may sound like she’s a little nervous around you. She may look down as a reflex because she can feel her cheeks warm up and might feel a little self-conscious about it. This might be her way of admitting you have a strong effect on her.

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