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The 100 Sexiest Movies Of All Time What makes a movie truly sexy, enough to to grant sexy valentines day gifts for her entrance to our guide of the sexiest movies ever? 100 sexiest movies ever, ranked by Tomatometer. Laughably melodramatic, Original Sin features bad acting, bad dialogue, and bad plotting.

Tepid and tired, After’s fun flourishes are let down by its generic story. Tessa Young is a dedicated student, dutiful daughter and loyal girlfriend to her high school sweetheart. The unerotic sex scenes quickly become tedious to watch, and the lovers lack the personality necessary to make viewers care about them. While creatively better endowed than its print counterpart, Fifty Shades of Grey is a less than satisfying experience on the screen.

Naomi Watts and Robin Wright give it their all, but they can’t quite make Adore’s trashy, absurd plot believable. Jane Campion takes a stab at subverting the psycho-sexual thriller genre with In the Cut, but gets tangled in her own abstraction. Viewers desperately seeking a new erotic thriller might find Deep Water worth a dip, but it’s far from director Adrian Lyne’s best work. The wife of a French diplomat becomes involved in a series of sexual liaisons after joining her husband in Thailand. Marcela is an underwhelming melodrama that lacks passion and energy. Kama Sutra refreshingly approaches sensuality from a female perspective, but audiences will be turned off by this romance’s silly plotting. Chris Messina, Marin Ireland, Robert E.

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