Rosemary balsamic chicken marinade

Rosemary is a versatile herb, providing evergreen interest all year round, fragrant leaves rosemary balsamic chicken marinade use in cooking, and nectar-rich flowers for bees in spring. Grow rosemary along a path, so every time you brush past, the leaves release their aromatic oils.

Hailing from the Mediterranean, rosemary thrives in a sunny, sheltered spot in well-drained soil. It can struggle in heavy clay soils, particularly in winter, when the ground tends to be wetter. You can grow rosemary in pots, but bear in mind this perennial herb can grow quite big, and will need potting on in fresh compost every couple of years. Young plants can suffer if their roots are sitting in wet soil in winter, so it’s a good idea to grow rosemary in a container for a couple of years before planting into the garden.

Cut back annually to prevent the plant from becoming woody, and mulch in autumn with leaf mould, well-rotted compost or manure. Plant rosemary in spring or autumn. Although rosemary is frost-hardy, the combination of cold and waterlogging can kill immature plants. With this in mind, choose a well-drained soil in a sunny, sheltered spot. If you have a cold clay soil, dig in lots of bark, grit or leaf mould to improve drainage.

Alternatively, grow rosemary in a pot. Rosemary requires little maintenance during the year except cutting back after flowering to prevent plants becoming straggly and woody. Save the trimmings to propagate new plants or dry them for cooking. Rosemary does well in containers in a soil-based, peat-free compost.

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