Roadhouse rolls

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You do not have access to www. The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site. With reboot, remake, and reimagining mania continuing to sweep Hollywood, studios are starting to make some perplexing choices about which past hits are being resurrected for fresh runs at the multiplex. In the years since its release, however, “Road House” has become revered as a staple of the era as fans young and old continue to revel in its absurdist B-movie charms, with studio bosses no doubt looking to capitalize on its enduring popularity. When will the Road House reboot be released? As noted in that Deadline report, this is not the first time MGM has tried to reboot “Road House” for modern audiences. In fact, the studio was eyeing a gender-swapped version of the film a few years back as a vehicle for Olympic medalist, MMA champion, and professional wrestler Ronda Rousey.

That version of the film never really took shape, however, and the current iteration looks to be a more straightforward remake of the original. They’re reportedly looking to lock up a major name to direct the “Road House” reboot as well, with “The Bourne Identity,” and “Edge of Tomorrow” helmer, Doug Liman, eyeing the director’s chair. Who is starring in the Road House reboot? With producers looking to lock down a major name for the “Road House” reboot’s director’s chair, Deadline is also reporting that a major star is circling the lead in the film. That star is none other than Jake Gyllenhaal, who’s transformed himself from child star to one of cinema’s most revered actors in his now decades-long career.

That being said, Gyllenhaal is also one of the busiest actors in Hollywood these days, and with 12 films currently listed on his IMDb page as being either in “pre-production” or “announced,” one has to wonder if, or when, he’ll be able to slot “Road House” into an already jam-packed schedule. As noted on IMDb, it may not matter in the end, as his attachment to the project is very much a rumor at present. What is the Road House reboot about? Those of you who didn’t come of age in the eighties, and have somehow managed to not see “Road House” on cable in the three decades since its release, might be wondering what all the fuss is about. Yes, the film is often every bit as silly as that synopsis sounds.

It remains to be seen how much of that original plot the reboot might include, but if it stays true enough to the original concept, the new “Road House” flick will undoubtedly prove every bit as fun. Road House ist ein US-amerikanischer Actionfilm aus dem Jahr 1989 mit Patrick Swayze in der Hauptrolle als Rausschmeißer in einem Club. James Dalton ist ein professioneller Rausschmeißer mit einem Hochschulabschluss in Philosophie und einer dubiosen Vergangenheit. Er ist bekannt dafür, Konflikte zwischen Gästen unauffällig, aber wenn nötig auch hart und kompromisslos zu lösen. Nachdem er bei seinem Arbeitsantritt einige unzuverlässige Mitarbeiter gefeuert und die anderen entsprechend eingewiesen hat, schafft Dalton es schon nach kurzer Zeit, sich auch bei den Gästen Respekt zu verschaffen und Schlägereien im Lokal zu verhindern. Dies spricht sich herum, und bald ist das Double Deuce Abend für Abend voll. Brad Wesley, der sich mit undurchsichtigen Machenschaften zum heimlichen Herrscher der kleinen Stadt aufgeschwungen hat und mit Hilfe seiner Schlägertruppe von den örtlichen Geschäftsleuten Schutzgeld erpresst, möchte nun auch von der Umsatzsteigerung des Double Deuce profitieren.

Er schickt eine Handvoll Schläger in den Club, die für Unruhe sorgen sollen. Dalton und seine Truppe können sie jedoch hinauswerfen. Bei einer Schlägerei wird Dalton durch ein Messer verletzt und muss sich im örtlichen Krankenhaus nähen lassen. Dabei lernt er die Unfallärztin Dr. Diese besucht ihn am folgenden Abend im Double Deuce und wird Zeuge, wie er einen Randalierer vor die Tür befördert.

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