Rainbow high walmart

Rainbow high walmart are currently editing over 954 articles, and 9,470 files. Welcome to Rainbow High Wiki, the biggest collaborative encyclopedia for Rainbow High! Anyone interested is welcome to contribute for all things related to Rainbow High.

At Rainbow High, students follow G. At Shadow High, they are tired of lurking in the shadows, and want to shine. Of course, there is some major drama along the way! We have 51,455 edits to 954 articles and 9,470 images on this wiki. We have 6 admins of which you can contact with any advice, suggestions, and ideas for the wiki.

Feel free to lend a hand and assist the wiki, but make sure you use your best grammar when making edits. This is an all-ages friendly wiki so inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. If you see something incorrect, have a question, or see someone acting inappropriately, please contact an admin so we can do our best to help! If a page is locked from being edited, it means it is being improved to remove false information, or is being protected against vandalism. Edit suggestions can go in the talk page of that article.

Welcome the new Shadow High students. It’s never too early to figure out your costume! Want to meet all the characters? Are you not sure where to start editing? If you are new to wikis, please check out the “tutorial”, and also see “Help:Contents” on the Fandom Community wiki. Every wiki you find on FANDOM has two categories of articles that need work.

They are called “”Stubs”” and “”Wanted Articles””. Help out these pages so the wiki is more full. Make sure to upload images is another really easy way to help out the wiki! See the “Special:Upload” page to upload a new file, or check out the “New Files” special area to upload and see the latest uploads.

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