Rabbit meat macros

On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. A small brown rabbit sat on the dirt in a forest. Its ears are small and alert and the tip of its nose, part of rabbit meat macros chest and one of its feet are white. Although once considered rodents, lagomorphs like rabbits have been discovered to have diverged separately and earlier than their rodent cousins and have a number of traits rodents lack, like two extra incisors.

More recently, the term kit or kitten has been used to refer to a young rabbit. A group of baby rabbits produced from a single mating is referred to as a litter and a group of domestic rabbits living together is sometimes called a herd. Below are some of the genera and species of the rabbit. A small, round, dust-coloured rabbit with upright, close-set ears sat on the ground amidst dead branches.

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