Quail stew recipe

Quail stew recipe’s how to make bangers sausage at home. A plate of bangers sausage with mashed potatoes, peas and a beer. Later, in 1995 on a 36-hour layover in London, I had real deal bangers sausage.

Still pretty generic, but definitely better: It was a softish link, with warm spices and an interesting bind that made it comforting to eat. I later learned that the unusual mouthfeel of bangers sausage is caused by the inclusion of some sort of grain product in the link, whether crushed rusks, oats, barley or breadcrumbs. I’ve heard various theories on why British charcuterie does this — virtually no other sausage-making nation does, with the exception of the famous Scandinavian potato sausage — ranging from scarcity during the World Wars to, well, it just tastes good. The addition of a grain in the mix can and does add something positive. I am partial to barley or oats coarsely ground in a coffee grinder. Bangers sausage roasting in the oven. Some bangers recipes are all pork, some are pork and beef.

I used blacktail deer and pork. This particular deer had grown fat from eating black oak acorns, so I added some to the sausage mix. Deer fat, by the way, can be awfully good in moderation. For the grain element, I used oats ground into a meal.

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