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For other events, see List of Black Fridays. November 1910, showing a suffragette on the ground. November 1910, in which 300 women marched to the Houses power wheels black friday 2020 Parliament as part of their campaign to secure voting rights for women.

During the January 1910 general election campaign, H. The violence may have caused the subsequent deaths of two suffragettes. The demonstration led to a change in approach: many members of the WSPU were unwilling to risk similar violence, so they resumed their previous forms of direct action—such as stone-throwing and window-breaking—which afforded time to escape. 1903 by the political activist Emmeline Pankhurst. From 1906 WSPU members adopted the name suffragettes, to differentiate from the suffragists of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies, who employed constitutional methods in their campaign for the vote. Parliament was guarded by an army of police to prevent the women approaching its sacred precincts.

The constables had their orders to drive them away, making as few arrests as possible. After one demonstration in June 1908 in which “roughs appeared, organised gangs, who treated the women with every type of indignity”, Sylvia Pankhurst complained that “the ill-usage by the police and the roughs was greater than we had hitherto experienced”. A suffragette being force-fed in Holloway prison, c. At a demonstration in October 1909—at which the WSPU again attempted to rush into parliament—ten demonstrators were taken to hospital. The suffragettes did not complain about the rising level of police violence. Constance Lytton wrote that “the word went round that we were to conceal as best we might, our various injuries. It was no part of our policy to get the police into trouble.

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