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Porterhouse Group AG is an international holding company that follows the principles of a long-term oriented family business and is based in Lucerne, Switzerland. 12 Jahre Erfahrung hat die Porterhouse AG bereits gesammelt. Porterhouse AG durch Beteiligungen in 2020 umgesetzt. Our goal is to acquire majority positions in innovative companies that serve basic humans needs. As committed long-term shareholders we  accompany them in their entrepreneurial development. With 13 acute clinics and 10 outpatient facilities Paracelsus-Kliniken is one of the largest private clinic operators in Germany.

Paracelsus Rehabilitationskliniken own 9 rehabilitation clinics. The leading orthopaedics and sports clinic in eastern Switzerland. With its many projects and the digital expert task force, Brainwave stands for future solutions in the health care market. Our goal is to acquire majority positions in innovative companies that serve basic human needs. As committed long-term shareholders we accompany our portfolio companies in their entrepreneurial development. We support our portfolio companies with a broad international network, industry know-how and operational experience.

We exclusively invest our own funds. Our focus does not lie on short-term profit maximization, but on the long-term support and development of our companies. As of today, Porterhouse Group AG is comprised of innovative holdings in a variety of industries with over 5’000 employees worldwide. We exclusively invest in companies, products, and teams that we can identify with.

We focus on well-positioned companies that operate in markets with sustainable long-term growth. In accordance with our entrepreneurial spirit, we are interested in companies that we can support not only financially, but also strategically. In doing so, we support our portfolio companies in their organic growth as well as in their acquisitions. As long-term oriented entrepreneurs, we see it as our responsibility to help shape the future of our companies. For this reason, we generally strive for majority shareholdings. However, qualified minority shareholdings are also feasible in certain situations. We value aligned interests in both good and bad times and welcome participation by founders and company management alike.

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