Paleo flour

The history of PaleoA way of eating that truly goes back to basics, Paleolithic diets are all about eating like our ancestors did. Paleolithic living as a dietary concept was first promoted by gastroenterologist, Dr Paleo flour L Voegtlin. His book, The Stone Age diet, was published in 1975 and paved the way for a plethora of different Paleolithic approaches, all similar in their core principles but with varying rules and restrictions.

Common terms for these types of diet include the caveman diet, the hunter-gatherer diet and of course, the Paleo diet. Dr Cordain is considered by many to be the authority on Paleolithic living. His book, The Paleo diet, published in 2002 talks about the benefits of Paleo for weight loss and health. A former biochemist, Wolf studied under Dr Cordain and is author of The Paleo solution, another popular resource, first published in 2010.

An ex-athlete, Mark Sisson’s Primal Blueprint is a slightly different version of the Paleolithic approach and a popular online resource. Discover our full range of health benefit guides and read more about popular diets such as the Dukan diet and Atkins diet. As mentioned, different forms of the diet vary in their restrictiveness so in some cases low-fat dairy products and root veg are allowed. All versions of the diet encourage lean proteins, fruit, vegetables and healthy fats from whole foods such as nuts, seeds and olive oil and grass-fed meat. Paleo diet is said to promote a more natural way of eating with low levels of sugar, salt plus the elimination of processed, refined foods. The idea is that this is more in tune with how our bodies have evolved and how over the centuries we would have fuelled ourselves. The diet is relatively low in carbs but rich in lean protein and plant foods.

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