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Get the latest news delivered daily! The former Democratic party leader could face prison time. She hopes her record and FBI cooperation will help. Melahat Rafiei played a pivotol role in the FBI’s corruption investigation in Anaheim. She’s seen here arriving for the democratic presidential debate at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles on Thursday, Dec. PUBLISHED: January 18, 2023 at 8:12 p. UPDATED: January 18, 2023 at 8:12 p.

Melahat Rafiei, who was a cooperating witness for an FBI probe into a massive corruption scandal involving Anaheim and Irvine, said Wednesday evening that she’s agreed to accept a plea deal with the U. Attorney’s office on charges of attempted wire fraud. She could face time in prison, though she said she’s hoping the judge will take into consideration the role she played in uncovering those broader scandals. Rafiei said in a statement provided to the Register. I know this option will bring certainty, closure and a path forward.

Rafiei was secretary for the California Democratic Party, was helping run campaigns for a number of elected officials and was a prominent consultant for the local cannabis industry until May of last year. That probe led to federal charges against former Anaheim Chamber of Commerce CEO Todd Ament, and the resignation of then Anaheim Mayor Harry Sidhu. As for Rafiei, the FBI states that she had promised two executives at a local cannabis company that she could help get a favorable cannabis ordinance passed in Irvine if they gave her money to bribe two council members. Those charges were dismissed without prejudice, which meant they could always be filed again later. After that arrest, Rafiei began cooperating with the FBI to bring them information about possible corruption in Anaheim.

She says she accepted a request to cooperate, wearing a wire and delivering evidence that the FBI used to charge Ament and to raise concerns about Sidhu’s actions. The FBI previously said that they did not believe Rafiei was being fully honest with them, even while she was acting as a witness. Federal authorities couldn’t immediately be reached Wednesday evening for comment on Rafiei’s plea deal. Wire fraud can carry a maximum penalty of up to 20 years in prison, or 30 if the victim is a federally insured bank or other financial institution. On advice of her attorney, Rafiei said she can’t discuss facts of the case more until it’s fully resolved. For now, I will proceed with dignity, humility towards finding peace and clarity in my life.

No date has been set for the sentencing, Kamran said. Editor Andre Mouchard contributed to this report. Brooke Staggs covers the environment for Southern California News Group’s chain of 11 newspapers. Her work has triggered FBI investigations, landed her appearances on national TV and radio outlets, and helped her win some of the top journalism awards in the western United States. We reserve the right at all times to remove any information or materials that are unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, indecent or otherwise objectionable to us, and to disclose any information necessary to satisfy the law, regulation, or government request. Actor Julian Sands identified as hiker who is missing on Mt.

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