Moro orange

How dare you presume to lecture me! Know this, I do not fear divine power! I am Moro orange, Consumer of worlds! The God’s creations are mine to devour!

I AM THIS GALAXY’S SUPREME LIFE-FORM! Manga Debut “Joining the Galactic Patrol! Universe 7 about ten million years ago. He is the main antagonist of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga. He was based off western demons, specifically goat-like ones. He was also based partially off the grim reaper.

Moro’s name may also be a reference to the Canaanite deity Moloch or the personification of impending doom and destruction in Greek mythology named Moros. In Japanese, Moro’s name can also translate as “instruct”. Moro appears as a towering humanoid goat with blue skin and two horns on the sides of his head that curl around to point forward near his cheeks. He has long pointy ears, pronounced brow ridges, long dark nails, and brown tufts of fur on his shoulders. His snout possesses a lighter blue color with linings noticeably present on each side of his snout.

After absorbing all of Goku and Vegeta’s energy, Moro became noticeably younger-looking with proper posture and no hump plus fewer wrinkles. He also became fairly muscular, and his beard shrunk to reach his collarbone. After taking almost all of New Namek’s energy, Moro’s beard shrunk to a trimmed length, and had only minor wrinkles. When he has been part-way restored, Moro’s aura is a purple color. In his prime and after he has absorbed Seven-Three, when using his full power, Moro possesses an orange aura. The symbol on Moro’s belt is the letter “A” in the Galactic Patrol’s language.

I detest the sort of peace that you people want to preserve on this planet and others. All those who would strive for such nonsenseshould be eradicated. Moro has no respect for life in general. Rather, he views them all as food for his pleasure and scoffs at people who try to stop him.

He is very deceitful and manipulative, having used Cranberry to help restore his power, immediately eliminating him after he outlived his usefulness, as well as feigning his weakness until he was able to absorb enough of Vegeta’s energy to defeat him. Moro normally speaks in a calm, collected tone, but his calm demeanor gives way to extreme rage when in the presence of the Grand Supreme Kai, since he has harbored a grudge against him for eons. In fact, Moro also has no respect for the gods in general, since by destroying everything, they create, he believes he is above them and, therefore, is not subject to having his actions judged by them. Moro holds a strong command and does not like it when his subordinates act on their own. This is seen when the Macareni Gang went to Earth without informing Moro beforehand, and upon learning this, Moro sent a scouting party to search the planet and ordered Shimorekka to kill the Macareni Gang, stating traitors acting on their own are dispensable. Aside from Seven-Three, who Moro had special interest in due to his Copy Ability, he cares nothing for the wellbeing of his own men, and purposefully pumped more energy into Saganbo, knowing the damage it was doing to his body, and eventually caused his death, even going so far as to mock him afterwards.

He then told Goku that he saw him only as a soldier of which more can be collected. In battle, Moro shows extreme arrogant pride in his powers to the point of proclaiming himself as the “supreme existence” of Universe 7. Because of this, he believes himself to be completely unsurpassed, remaining in constant denial whenever he is oppressed or subdued. A very characteristic mental trait shown by Moro was his inability to have any personal growth. Even when he was offered a chance to repent and return peacefully to prison, he remained adamant about wanting to rethink his actions, remaining solely eager to obtain just more power so that he could live freely doing whatever he wanted without consequence.

Moro destroyed the Iragi Star System and brought about the mass extinction of life on 320 planets. During his fight with the Grand Supreme Kai and the South Supreme Kai, Moro used his magic to pelt the Supreme Kais with comets. A few years before the end of the Broly Saga, and around the destruction of Kid Buu by Goku, the Grand Supreme Kai’s seal on Moro’s magic broke. Moro escaped on a spaceship with Cranberry and heads for New Namek in order to obtain the Dragon Balls. Along the way he tells Cranberry about how he’s finally free after 10 million years and that he was fortunate to even have an ounce of his magic return before his lifespan ended in prison. Moro defeats Vegeta and Goku, leaving them for dead and goes off to look for the other Dragon Balls.

Moro heads to a Namekian village where he begins to torture and kills some of the villagers in order to obtain information on a Dragon Ball. He kills a Namekian Warrior nonchalantly, demonstrating his increased power and retrieves the Dragon Ball. Fortunately for Moro, Cranberry was able to finish collecting the Namekian Dragon Balls. Moro quickly has Cranberry use his second wish to restore his full magic power. He quickly rushes to Cranberry’s location, kills him, and steals the third wish. Upon being confronted by Goku and Vegeta, he says they will figure out his final wish on their own when the time comes. He teleports away from view to a nearby cliff.

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