Mexican coleslaw for tacos

Our Menu Check out La Hacienda’s wide variety of offerings. Find mexican coleslaw for tacos new favorite dish and stop on by! DISCLAIMER: Menu prices and items may vary between locations. Call your local La Hacienda Mexican Restaurant for the most accurate information.

México has one of the richest gastronomies in the world and Mexican food is one of the most beloved cuisines worldwide! It is the product of a set of ancient techniques, that are followed even today, and a sort of mix between pre-Hispanic local products and European ingredients such as certain spices like cinnamon, wheat, cattle, milk, cheese, etc. Because of its ritual practices, ancient knowledge, culinary techniques, customs and ancestral community cultures, in 2010, Mexican gastronomy was recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage. Mexico is known for its street markets, where you can find all sorts of magical stuff—things you couldn’t even imagine.


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