Mexican bowl

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Call your local La Hacienda Mexican Restaurant for the most accurate information. With close to 500 million native speakers and many more students in the process of acquiring such competency, Spanish is one of the most widely-spoken languages in the world. Mexico, but it is important to note that Mexican Spanish deviates from the European language in a number of ways. Although a speaker of European Spanish will likely be understood, it can make life much easier to gain an understanding of the key differences. So, with that in mind, we have compiled a guide to Mexican Spanish, placing a particular focus on its distinctive grammatical rules, pronunciation and Spanish dialects in Mexico, vocabulary and slang words, so that you can fit right in.

The most obvious grammatical difference surrounds second person pronouns. You should pay particular attention to second person pronouns, because using the informal versions found in European Spanish may be considered impolite by some Mexican Spanish speakers and it is a guaranteed way to stand out as being a speaker who does not have native speaking capabilities. Aside from these differences, however, Mexican Spanish follows the same basic rules as the Spanish that is spoken in other parts of the world. Mexican Spanish pronunciation and accent In addition to the grammatical differences, Mexican Spanish also differs from the Spanish spoken in many other countries in terms of pronunciation. Mexican Spanish pronunciation also occasionally differs from other dialects in terms of stresses within words. El mexicano refers to a masculine national and la mexicana to a female Mexican national.

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