Make ahead freezer meals

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23 miles to the border from here. He made a face when I mentioned her name. Some guy was making eyes at her from across the room. The play made good at the box office. The candidate made hay of his opponent’s scandalous behavior. The drill sergeant made much of his toughness. None of those disagreements were made public.

The ship made sail at midnight. We didn’t have much money, but we made shift. Students made good use of the new gymnasium. The children made houses with blocks. Los niños hicieron casas con bloques. The weavers made a hat from palm fronds. Los tejedores hicieron un sombrero de hojas de palma.

My mother wants to make a cake for my party. Mi madre quiere hacer un pastel para mi fiesta. Mi madre quiere preparar una tarta para mi fiesta. The dogs made a commotion in the street. Los perros hicieron un gran barullo en la calle. Los perros formaron un gran barullo en la calle. My parents make me eat vegetables.

Mis padres me hacen comer verduras. Mis padres me obligan a comer verduras. He never fails to make me laugh. What make of car do you drive? He is of a lean make, and could be an excellent athlete. Es de constitución delgada, y podría ser un excelente deportista.

I don’t know what to make of his actions. What do you make of this car? No sé qué pensar de sus actos. La flota se dirigió a puerto. All of the candidates made speeches. The parties involved made an agreement.

Los afectados llegaron a un acuerdo. Las partes implicadas alcanzaron un acuerdo. Please call first to make an appointment. Por favor llame primero para concertar una cita. I have to run if I want to make my train.

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