Lovehoney black friday

Lovehoney is a British business that sells sex toys, lingerie and lovehoney black friday gifts on the Internet. Their tagline is “the sexual happiness people”.

In addition to retailing, Lovehoney has over 400 own brand products and does development and publicity. This section is in list format but may read better as prose. You can help by converting this section, if appropriate. Lovehoney launched its online store in 2002, operating from Richard Longhurst’s bedroom. The next year Lovehoney moved into a small warehouse, and became a limited company. In 2007, Lovehoney launched the world’s first sex toy recycling scheme, called Rabbit Amnesty.

In 2009, Lovehoney announced the first Lovehoney Design A Sex Toy Competition. The winner of that competition was Trevor Murphy with the Sqweel Oral Sex Simulator. The Lovehoney Sqweel Oral Sex Simulator is the best selling oral sex simulation sex toy in the world. Lovehoney USA was launched to sell Lovehoney own brand products wholesale to the United States. In 2011, Lovehoney expanded its warehouse and workforce and the company is rebranded, with the cartoon mascot “Honey” being dropped and the tagline “the sexual happiness people” adopted. Lovehoney was featured in a Channel 4 documentary titled “More Sex Please, We’re British” in 2012. In 2013, Lovehoney a television advertisement was the first ever commercial to say “sex toys” on British television.

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