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Not to be confused with Elena Zelenskaya. Ukrainian architect and screenwriter who is the current First Lady of Ukraine as the wife of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Olena Kiyashko was born in Kryvyi Rih on 6 February 1978. Her mother was the head engineer of a factory and her father klopotenko com construction at a technical university.

Zelenska studied architecture at Kryvyi Rih National University. On 20 May 2019, Zelenska became the First Lady of Ukraine. On 18 November, she appeared on the cover of the December issue of the Ukrainian edition of Vogue. In an interview with the magazine, she spoke about her first initiative, nutrition reform in Ukrainian schools. In June 2020, Zelenska started an initiative to spread the Ukrainian language in the world and the introduction of Ukrainian-language audio guides in the most iconic places, particularly in the largest museums in the world. Zelenska launched an online questionnaire in May 2020 about creating a barrier-free society, in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine.

Zelenska initiated the Kyiv Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen in August 2021, with a theme of “Soft power in new reality”. After the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelenska was described as Russia’s target number two. In mid-March, she was in Ukraine at an undisclosed location. She released a statement highlighting the names of children killed during the invasion. At the initiative of the First Lady, projects in the field of medicine are being developed: evacuation of children with severe cancer diseases abroad with further treatment there, the search for equipment for children’s hospitals, in particular, incubators for newborns. In the humanitarian sphere, Olena Zelenska takes care of sending orphans for a long-term stay abroad. It provides for the distribution of Ukrainian literature and its translations in the world’s leading libraries.

More than 20 countries have already joined the initiative. First Lady, a new section has been created with wartime tips and instructions for families with disabilities, the elderly and their loved ones, people with disabilities. In May 2022, Olena Zelenska initiated the creation of the National Program of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support. The program is designed to help Ukrainians overcome the consequences of the traumatic events of the war. On 19 July 2022, Zelenska started her visit to the United States.

Zelenska also addressed the US Congress on the second day of her visit, becoming the first First Lady of another country to speak before the US Congress. Zelenska dedicated the beginning of her speech to the families and children impacted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I appeal to all of you on the behalf of those who were killed, on behalf of those people who lost their arms and legs, on behalf of those who are still alive and well and those who wait for their families to come back from the front. I’m asking for something now I would never want to ask. Weapons that would not be used to wage a war on somebody else’s land, but to protect one’s home and the right to wake up alive in that home. During the trip, Zelenska also accepted the Dissident Human Rights Award at the Victims of Communism Memorial in Washington, D. On July 23, Ukraine will host the second Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen dedicated to the post-war reconstruction of our country.

The event is planned to be held in the format of a telebridge between different countries of the world. In September 2022, Zelenska was present as an invitee to Ursula von der Leyen’s third State of the European Union address, where the EU Commission President rendered homage to her courage during the war in Ukraine. On 19 September 2022, Zelenska attended the state funeral in London of Queen Elizabeth II to pay her respects to the late monarch “on behalf of all Ukrainians”. On September 22, Olena Zelenska presented her Foundation during a charity evening in New York City during the 77th UN General Assembly. The Foundation’s primary goal is to restore Ukraine’s human capital so that every Ukrainian feels physically and mentally healthy, protected, and able to exercise their right to education, work, and build a future in Ukraine. The Foundation has three key directions: medicine, education and humanitarian aid. Within these areas, it will provide targeted assistance, invest in reconstructing preschool and school education institutions, polyclinics and outpatient clinics, and provide grants for training and scientific developments.

The award was founded by Wprost, the one of the most influential and oldest publications in Poland. On November 9, 2022, Olena Zelenska was included in the ELLE 100 Women. She was honored as one of the BBC 100 Women in December 2022. Zelenska and her future husband were schoolmates, though they did not know each other at that time.

They became acquainted much later- during their time at university. Zelenska was hospitalized for observation on 16 June 2020 after testing positive for COVID-19. The infection was described as “moderate severity” that did not need mechanical ventilation. Инаугурация Владимира Зеленского состоится 20 мая”. BBC 100 Women 2022: Who is on the list this year?

Main facts about Ukraine’s next first lady Olena Zelenska”. Olena Zelenska, Ukraine’s shy first lady, steps up”. Перша леді вирішила зайнятися реформою харчування у школах”. Уряд підтримав ініціативу Олени Зеленської щодо приєднання України до Партнерства Біарріц”. Office of the President of Ukraine.

Олена Зеленська відкрила другий день четвертого Українського жіночого конгресу”. Olena Zelenska takes part in V Ukrainian Women’s Congress”. Archived from the original on 1 September 2021. У Баку запустили аудіогід українською мовою”. В одному з найбільших музеїв Австрії з’явився україномовний гід”. У римському Колізеї з’явився аудіогід українською мовою”. У римському Колізеї аудіогід тепер можна послухати й українською мовою”.

Повторила образ: Олена Зеленська зустрілася з першою леді Туреччини”. The presidential couple visited Mount Vernon where Olena Zelenska presented a Ukrainian-language audio guide”. Володимир і Олена Зеленські презентували українськомовний гід в Музеї Джорджа Вашингтона”. Olena Zelenska initiates signing of memorandum on creation of Ukrainian-language audio guides with Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco”. Олену Зеленську розкритикували за кросівки у Версалі”.

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