Kelly cannoli

Navy Commander Kelly Laing has spent more than two decades in the Navy’s submarine community. The Old Testament’s Jonah spent three days living in the belly of a kelly cannoli deep below the waves. If today’s stealth nuclear submarines are modern-day iterations of the whale, then U.

Kelly Laing has Jonah beat by almost seven years. Laing has spent more than half a decade performing his duties underwater as a submarine officer. And while the fearful Jonah was trying to escape the Lord, the returned-missionary-turned-sub-commander says many of the most divinely connected moments of his life have occurred on top-secret missions happening far from the sun’s glare. Despite the physical isolation defining submarine life, Laing said his daily decision to live the gospel has blessed him with the constant guidance of the Holy Ghost, both on land and at sea. Such spiritual companionship, he added, is available to all Latter-day Saints — military or civilian — who determine to stay linked to the divine even while facing the challenges of daily life. An Idaho native, Laing has spent more than two decades in the Navy’s submarine community after first enlisting in the U. Being an active Church member in uniform has not always been easy for this husband and father of four.

Lighting the vessels Laing enjoys the story of Jonah and the whale. But whenever he’s about to embark on a submarine mission, his thoughts focus on another ancient mariner — the Book of Mormon’s brother of Jared. He gave him directions and corrections and tools. But after building the vessels to voyage to the promised land, the brother of Jared realized they lacked light.

He prayerfully petitioned for a solution. What will ye that I should do that ye may have light in your vessels? The Lord wants us to do that. What would you have me do so you can have light in your vessel, light in your life and light in your circumstances?

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