Japanese style chicken wings

On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Not to be confused with Javanese language. Not to be confused with Nihonga. Japanese style chicken wings article contains IPA phonetic symbols.

128 million people, primarily Japanese people and primarily in Japan, the only country where it is the national language. Little is known of the language’s prehistory, or when it first appeared in Japan. Chinese documents from the 3rd century AD recorded a few Japanese words, but substantial Old Japanese texts did not appear until the 8th century. The numeral system uses mostly Arabic numerals, but also traditional Chinese numerals. The Chinese writing system was imported to Japan from Baekje around the start of the fifth century, alongside Buddhism. Based on the Man’yōgana system, Old Japanese can be reconstructed as having 88 distinct syllables.

The Kojiki has 88, but all later texts have 87. The distinction between mo1 and mo2 apparently was lost immediately following its composition. This set of syllables shrank to 67 in Early Middle Japanese, though some were added through Chinese influence. Early Middle Japanese is the Japanese of the Heian period, from 794 to 1185. It formed the basis for the literary standard of Classical Japanese, which remained in common use until the early 20th century. During this time, Japanese underwent numerous phonological developments, in many cases instigated by an influx of Chinese loanwords.

Late Middle Japanese covers the years from 1185 to 1600, and is normally divided into two sections, roughly equivalent to the Kamakura period and the Muromachi period, respectively. For other dialects, see Japanese dialects. Since Old Japanese, the de facto standard Japanese had been the Kansai dialect, especially that of Kyoto. Japan, and the Edo-area dialect became standard Japanese. Although Japanese is spoken almost exclusively in Japan, it has been spoken outside.

Japanese has no official status in Japan, but is the de facto national language of the country. The meanings of the two terms are almost the same. Hyōjungo or kyōtsūgo is a conception that forms the counterpart of dialect. Hyōjungo is taught in schools and used on television and in official communications. It is the version of Japanese discussed in this article.

The two systems have different rules of grammar and some variance in vocabulary. The 1982 state constitution of Angaur, Palau, names Japanese along with Palauan and English as an official language of the state. Japanese dialects typically differ in terms of pitch accent, inflectional morphology, vocabulary, and particle usage. Some even differ in vowel and consonant inventories, although this is uncommon. There are some language islands in mountain villages or isolated islands such as Hachijō-jima island whose dialects are descended from the Eastern dialect of Old Japanese. Japan, as well as economic integration. Japanese is a member of the Japonic language family, which also includes the Ryukyuan languages spoken in the Ryukyu Islands.

According to Martine Irma Robbeets, Japanese has been subject to more attempts to show its relation to other languages than any other language in the world. Other theories view the Japanese language as an early creole language formed through inputs from at least two distinct language groups, or as a distinct language of its own that has absorbed various aspects from neighbouring languages. The vowels of Standard Japanese on a vowel chart. Japanese has five vowels, and vowel length is phonemic, with each having both a short and a long version. Some Japanese consonants have several allophones, which may give the impression of a larger inventory of sounds. However, some of these allophones have since become phonemic.

The “r” of the Japanese language is of particular interest, ranging between an apical central tap and a lateral approximant. Kanto prestige dialect and in other eastern dialects. The phonotactics of Japanese are relatively simple. Onset-glide clusters only occur at the start of syllables but clusters across syllables are allowed as long as the two consonants are the moraic nasal followed by a homorganic consonant. The topic is zō “elephant”, and the subject is hana “nose”. In Japanese, the subject or object of a sentence need not be stated if it is obvious from context.

Japanese speakers tend to omit pronouns on the theory they are inferred from the previous sentence, and are therefore understood. While the language has some words that are typically translated as pronouns, these are not used as frequently as pronouns in some Indo-European languages, and function differently. Such beneficiary auxiliary verbs thus serve a function comparable to that of pronouns and prepositions in Indo-European languages to indicate the actor and the recipient of an action. The amazed he ran down the street. Transliteration: Odoroita kare wa michi o hashitte itta.

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