Is jackfruit keto

On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The jackfruit tree is well-is jackfruit keto to tropical lowlands and is widely cultivated throughout tropical regions of the world. Jackfruit is commonly used in South and Southeast Asian cuisines. Both ripe and unripe fruits are consumed.

Jackfruit tree illustrated from one of the earliest natural history books about China by Jesuit Missionary author Michael Boym in 1656. Mirabilia descripta: the wonders of the East. The jackfruit was domesticated independently in South Asia and Southeast Asia, as indicated by the Southeast Asian names which are not derived from the Sanskrit roots. Artocarpus heterophyllus grows as an evergreen tree that has a relatively short trunk and dense treetop.

The bark of the jackfruit tree is reddish-brown and smooth. In the event of injury to the bark, a milky sap is released. The leaves are alternate and spirally arranged. They are gummy and thick and are divided into a petiole and a leaf blade.

In young trees, the leaf edges are irregularly lobed or split. On older trees, the leaves are rounded and dark green, with a smooth leaf margin. The leaf blade has a prominent main nerve and, starting on each side, six to eight lateral nerves. The stipules are egg-shaped at a length of 1.

This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Jackfruit trees are monoecious, having both female and male flowers on a tree. Inflorescences are initially completely enveloped in egg-shaped cover sheets which rapidly slough off. The flowers are small, sitting on a fleshy rachis. The male flowers are greenish, some flowers are sterile.

The male flowers are hairy and the perianth ends with two 1 to 1. The individual and prominent stamens are straight with yellow, roundish anthers. After the pollen distribution, the stamens become ash-gray and fall off after a few days. Later all the male inflorescences also fall off. The greenish female flowers, with hairy and tubular perianth, have a fleshy flower-like base.

The female flowers contain an ovary with a broad, capitate, or rarely bilobed scar. The ellipsoidal to roundish fruit is a multiple fruit formed from the fusion of the ovaries of multiple flowers. The fruits grow on a long and thick stem on the trunk. They vary in size and ripen from an initially yellowish-greenish to yellow, and then at maturity to yellowish-brown.

They possess a hard, gummy shell with small pimples surrounded with hard, hexagonal tubercles. The cotyledons are usually unequal in size, and the endosperm is minimally present. The fruit matures during the rainy season from July to August. Ripe jackfruit is naturally sweet, with subtle pineapple- or banana-like flavor. It can be used to make a variety of dishes, including custards, cakes, or mixed with shaved ice as es teler in Indonesia or halo-halo in the Philippines.

The seeds from ripe fruits are edible once cooked, and are said to have a milky, sweet taste often compared to Brazil nuts. They may be boiled, baked, or roasted. When roasted, the flavor of the seeds is comparable to chestnuts. Jackfruit has a distinctive sweet and fruity aroma. Percentages are roughly approximated using US recommendations for adults. The carbohydrate component is primarily sugars, and is a source of dietary fiber.

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