Is honey keto

Honeybees convert flower nectar into honey and store it in honeycombs within the hive to provide nutrition through the winter. Debbie Hadley is a science educator with 25 years of experience who has written on science topics for over a decade. Bees is honey keto honey as a highly efficient food source to sustain themselves year-round, including the dormant months of winter—human beings are just along for the ride.

In the commercial honey-gathering industry, the excess honey in the hive is what is harvested for packaging and sale, with enough honey left in the hive to sustain the bee population until it becomes active again the following spring. In the production of honey, these worker bees take on specialized roles as foragers and house bees. The actual process of transforming the flower nectar into honey requires teamwork. First, older forager worker bees fly out from the hive in search of nectar-rich flowers. Using its straw-like proboscis, a forager bee drinks the liquid nectar from a flower and stores it in a special organ called the honey stomach. At the moment the nectars reach the honey stomach, enzymes begin to break down the complex sugars of the nectar into simpler sugars that are less prone to crystallization.

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