How to cut a pineapple

How to cut a pineapple save this word, you’ll need to log in. The toddler is cutting a tooth.

The reasons given for self-inflicted violence indicate that it is a way of relieving intolerable feelings. The band cut a deal with the recording company. His opinion cuts no ice with me. She tried to join the soccer team, but she couldn’t cut the mustard. She urged him to skip the details and cut to the chase.

He uses the ax to cut wood. The meat is so tender you can cut it with a fork. The saw easily cuts through metal. She cut into the melon with a knife.

We were fighting, and he tried to cut me with his knife. Pieces of broken glass cut her face and arms. Make a few small cuts in the crust to let the air escape. He came home covered in cuts and bruises. Further cuts in spending are needed. You’ll have to make a few cuts in your manuscript if you want us to publish it. The new spaceport gives Europe options for launching smaller satellites at a critical time, after the Ukraine war cut access to its use of Russian Soyuz vehicles.

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