How to cook mussels from frozen

Skočit na navigaci Skočit na vyhledávání Cook je časté anglické příjmení, doslova znamená kuchař. How to cook mussels from frozen stránka je rozcestník odkazující na články o různých nositelích stejného příjmení.

Zachovejte licenci, případně za dalších podmínek. Podrobnosti naleznete na stránce Podmínky užití. Cook the fish for fifteen minutes. Cocina el pescado por quince minutos. Her husband is going to cook tonight.

Su marido va a hacer la comida esta noche. Leave the pot on the burner over low heat and let it cook. Pon la olla sobre la placa a fuego lento y deja que se cocine. Come on over, I’ll cook up some fried rice. Ven a cenar, voy a improvisar algo con arroz.

The mafia’s accountant was cooking the books. El contador de la mafia maquillaba los números. El contador de la mafia amañaba los libros. El contador de la mafia cuchareaba los libros.

The pastry chef made the best éclair I have ever tasted. El repostero hizo el mejor pepito que probé en mi vida. Pressure-cook the potatoes for about 7 minutes. Am I a great cook or what? See Google Translate’s machine translation of ‘cook’. Bunch of soft little bitches, they’ve got no stomach for life in the wasteland. Got some choice strange, though, I’ll give ’em that.

Cook-Cook is a pyromaniac, chef, sexual predator, and leader of the Fiends living near the South Vegas ruins in 2281. Cook-Cook is an infamous flamer-wielding psychopath who has a very close connection to his pet brahmin, Queenie. He is located just north of the Poseidon gas station, within some ruined buildings. This character is involved in quests.

Three-Card Bounty: Cook-Cook is one of the Fiend leaders that Dhatri tasks the player character with killing. Killing Cook-Cook’s pet brahmin, Queenie, causes Cook-Cook to frenzy, attacking his fellow Fiends. Often they will kill Cook-Cook before he manages to kill them. After killing Cook-Cook and speaking to Marco in Westside, talking to Pretty Sarah about his death will result in her giving the Courier 300 caps and three Med-X. Talking to Betsy about his death will result in her giving the Courier 380 NCR dollars.

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