Greek yogurt cheesecake

A condemned prisoner’s last meal is a customary ritual preceding execution. In many countries, the prisoner may, within reason, select what the last meal will be. In the Greek yogurt cheesecake States, most states give the meal a day or two before execution and use the euphemism “special meal”. Alcohol or tobacco are usually, but not always, denied.

Unorthodox or unavailable requests are replaced with similar substitutes. In September 2011, the state of Texas abolished all special last meal requests after condemned prisoner Lawrence Russell Brewer requested a large and expensive last meal, but did not eat any of it, stating that he was not hungry. This represents the items reported requested but does not, in all cases, represent what the prisoner actually received. Casement converted to Catholicism before his execution and stated he intended to go “to my death with the body of my God as my last meal. Café au lait and a bread roll. An expensive cigar and a cup of Brazilian coffee. Wiener schnitzel, fried potatoes and a bottle of white wine.

He requested a second helping and received it. A pan-fried chicken, some pastries, boiled beef and puréed turnips. He additionally received a dessert consisting of two chicken wings, vegetables, two glasses of wine cut with water, a piece of sponge cake and a glass of Malaga wine. Eggs and a large amount of salty bacon. Roti canai and chips made from Indian three-leaved yam. The two were brothers and shared the same last meal, which was provided by their family. Homemade meals made by his former mother-in-law: Otak-otak fish cakes, and rendang.

Although Indonesia does not normally grant last meal requests, Sukumaran and Chan were granted their KFC feast via officials. Bento, consisting of stewed pork, rice and vegetables. When the reprieve was announced, he shared the food with relatives who had gathered at the prison. Declined a special meal, instead requesting a bottle of Carmel red wine with the usual prison food of cheese, bread, olives, and tea.

He drank about half of the bottle. The Times states that “he refused their offers of cigarettes and a last meal of chicken and shawarma rice. Other sources state Hussein ate his last meal of chicken and rice, and had a cup of hot water with honey. However, regardless of the source, whatever Hussein actually had for his last meal remains a mystery. A tomato along with “jail food”, and two cups of masala tea. He also drank four bottles of mineral water. A pizza and a cup of hot chocolate.

He shared the meal with his wife and children, but he personally did not eat it. Bentoel cigarettes unsympathetically given by an army colonel upon request. Rice, soy soup, and grilled fish. Prime rib, baked potato, garlic bread, coffee, Coca-Cola and pistachio ice cream.

Declined a special meal and was given the regular prison meal of the day consisting of baked fish, peas, cole slaw, carrots, cheese grits, buns, fruit juice, and chocolate cake. Alderman originally chose fried chicken, fried shrimps and a pint of cherry or strawberry ice cream as a last meal, but did not receive it since his execution was stayed. Buffalo steak, frybread, Kentucky Fried Chicken, sugar-free pecan pie, sugar-free black walnut ice cream, and whole milk. He let the ice-cream thaw out for an hour and turned it into a milkshake by hand.

Two fried chickens with sides of mashed potatoes, green beans and Pie a la Mode. A sub sandwich, tossed salad, French fries and a vanilla milkshake, shared with his attorneys. Fried pork chops, fried ham, French fries, vanilla swirl ice cream, and a can of Coke. Two cheeseburgers with lettuce and mayonnaise, french fries with ketchup, one Dr Pepper and one Mountain Dew. Declined a last meal, saying that he was fasting, then changed his mind and accepted a meal tray consisting of salami, mustard, peanut butter, jelly, wheat bread, a snack bag of tortilla chips, and a drink of water with a juice packet.

A hamburger, french fries and a Dr Pepper. Declined a special meal, having a bag of Cheez Doodles and a 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola instead. Requested “the largest steak in town”, but did not eat it. After his death, a reporter who had been present for the execution spotted the steak in the jail kitchen and helped himself to it. Baked chicken, fish, boiled eggs, carrots, green beans and sliced bread with a choice of water, tea or punch to drink.

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