Gnar gnar kraut

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You must be logged in to comment. Irelia Extreme Irelia has so many options to close the gap against you. The key here is to keep an eye on your minions that are low on health. Irelia’s Q will reset if she kills a minion with it. You absolutely have to dodge her E because it applies her mark on you. Overall, you want Irelia to push in this matchup as much as possible. Keep your minion wave close to your tower and ask for ganks.

Yasuo Major Yasuo is an absolute nightmare for Gnar. His E can be used indefinitely as long as he has minions to use it on. Because of this, Gnar’s only option to stay at a range is to step far from his own minion wave. The best time to trade with Yasuo is when he has no minions to E through.

Watch carefully for when Yasuo has his tornado. Yasuo’s W will eat Gnar’s Q and put it on the full cooldown. It’ll also stop Mega Gnar’s Q from travelling. If you have any suggestions or requests, please let me know! You’re forced to transform where it might not be ideal for the situation. Taking an adaptive shard allows for more damage and it also makes CSing easier. As for the third shard, take armor into physical damage matchups, magic resist into magic damage matchups, and health when you’re unsure which of the two you’re up against in lane.

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