Fruit salad for 50

Fruit, Fruity, and fruitcake, as well as its many variations, are slang or even sexual slang terms which have various origins. These terms have often been used derogatorily to fruit salad for 50 to LGBT people. 1920s in Britain possibly deriving from the phrase fruit of the womb.

A costermonger was a street seller of fruit and vegetables. Out of the East End of London traditional Cockney rhyming slang developed, which works by taking two words that are related through a short phrase and using the first word to stand for a word that rhymes with the second. Several origins of the word fruit being used to describe gay men are possible, and most stem from the linguistic concepts of insulting a man by comparing him to or calling him a woman. From the 1857 “Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English: Containing Words from the English Writers Previous to the Nineteenth Century Which Are No Longer In Use, Or Are Not Used In The Same Sense. An American version of a fruitcake which contains both fruit and nuts.

By the 1930s both fruit and fruitcake terms are seen as not only negative but also to mean male homosexual, although probably not universally. From 1942 to 1947, conscientious objectors in the US assigned to psychiatric hospitals under Civilian Public Service exposed abuses throughout the psychiatric care system and were instrumental in reforms of the 1940s and 1950s. Strange Fruit” is most often a reference to the lynchings of black people in the American South, in reference to the jazz song of that name popularised by Billie Holiday. The fruit machine was an actual machine built to aid in the detection of gay people in the Canadian Civil Service from 1950 to 1973. Other devices involved showing subjects pictures of seminude men and measuring eye movement or attention span.

The poor dilated sweaty souls would then be fired or arrested. Needless to say, the Mounties’ machine was a crock: after a decade of breathtaking inaccuracy, it was consigned to mothballs. The Fruit Machine is an ITV Productions 1988 thriller about two Brighton gay teenagers running from an underworld assassin and the police. On 8 July 1992 The Fruit Machine weekly club for “queers, dykes and their friends” opened at England’s largest gay dance venue Heaven in London and recently celebrated their fifteenth anniversary.

A gay slang term from the 1970s meaning a sexually uninterested gay man. In the 1970s Anita Bryant became the spokesperson for Florida orange juice, making a series of television commercials for them. LGBT people that were popularized in the 1990s. Fruitloops may also refer to queer dance parties, particularly with electronic music. In South Africa a fruit stand is a gay bar while in the US it is an area to pick up gay male hustlers. In 1983, Frank Robinson, then manager of the San Francisco Giants, joked that the team is planning to have a special seating section for gays.

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