Fall baking recipes

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity. Stock prices fell to a new low for the year. Fall baking recipes hair falls to her shoulders. My eyes fell before his steady gaze.

Her voice fell, and she looked about in confusion. The city fell to the enemy. Witty remarks fall easily from his lips. Christmas falls on a Monday this year.

The rent falls due the first of every month. The accent falls on the last syllable. The inheritance fell to the only living relative. The story fell into two distinct parts. His face fell when he heard the bad news.

The field falls gently to the river. His eyes fell upon the note on the desk. The old tower fell under its own weight. The cake fell when he slammed the oven door. It is a long fall to the ground from this height. The candidate’s supporters fell away when he advocated racial discrimination.

Many fell away because they were afraid of reprisals. The relentless shelling forced the enemy to fall back. They fell back on their entrenchments. The troops fell back to their original position. They had no savings to fall back on. We are falling behind in our work. Fatigued, some of the marchers fell behind.

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