Ear wax removal videos
EAR 834P Ultra-compact high performing valve phonostage. Its simple and versatile design allows for easy setup with stunning performance. Moving Magnet capable as ear wax removal videos with Moving coil step-up optional.
Available in black or chrome facia. EAR 88PB Full featured dedicated phonostage with two inputs catering for the vinyl enthusiast with multiple turntables or arms. With both Moving coil and moving magnet capability as standard, its designed to handle a wide range of cartridges. EAR 324 One of the few transistor based design’s of Tim de Paravicini, the EAR 324 is a high grade phonostage worthy to be in the EAR lineup.
Both Moving coil and moving magnet capability designed to handle a wide range of cartridges. EAR 834L Incredibly compact valve pre-amplifier for analogue line level. Using three ECC88s to create smooth sound. Luxurious design with chrome facia and gold or chrome knobs. Connect up to five analogue line inputs with a tape output. Two line outputs and balanced outputs.