Dutch pancake recipe

Sur cette version linguistique de Wikipédia, les liens interlangues sont placés en haut à droite du titre de l’article. Un article de Wikipédia, l’encyclopédie libre. Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant dutch pancake recipe même nom.

Dutch est un personnage du manga Black Lagoon. Dutch est aussi le nom du personnage incarné par Arnold Schwarzenegger dans Predator. C’est également le nom porté par l’un des personnages du jeu vidéo Red Dead Redemption. Dutch est le surnom d’un personnage de la série télévisée The Shield, joué par Jay Karnes : L’inspecteur Holland Wagenbach. Dutch est le titre original d’un film américain écrit par John Hughes, réalisé en 1991 par Peter Faiman. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 27 février 2019 à 15:43.

Cliquez ici pour lancer une nouvelle recherche. Click here to launch a new search. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. This article is about the nation native and ethnic group known as the Dutch and their descendants worldwide.

For the language, see Dutch language. Map of the Dutch Diaspora in the World. 15 million who declare Dutch ancestry worldwide, including expatriates. Dutch Protestants are mainly Reformed, with notable Lutheran minorities.

Netherlands, being descendants of Dutch colonizers who established the Dutch Cape Colony. Germanic ethnic group and nation native to the Netherlands. The traditional arts and culture of the Dutch encompasses various forms of traditional music, dances, architectural styles and clothing, some of which are globally recognizable. Germanic paganism and spoke a dialect still closely resembling Common Germanic. The conversion of the Frankish king Clovis to Christianity would have great significance in helping shape the identity of the future Dutch people. However, the population make-up of the Frankish Empire, or even early Frankish kingdoms such as Neustria and Austrasia, was not dominated by Franks.

The medieval cities of the Low Countries, which experienced major growth during the 11th and 12th centuries, were instrumental in breaking down the already relatively loose local form of feudalism. As they became increasingly powerful, they used their economical strength to influence the politics of their nobility. While the cities were of great political importance, they also formed catalysts for medieval Dutch culture. Dutch delta and coastal regions resulted in an exceptionally high degree of communal organization.

It is also around this time, that ethnonyms such as Diets and Nederlands emerge. In the second half of the 14th century, the dukes of Burgundy gained a foothold in the Low Countries through the marriage in 1369 of Philip the Bold of Burgundy to the heiress of the Count of Flanders. The Act of Abjuration, signed on 26 July 1581, was the formal declaration of independence of the Dutch Low Countries. However, the centralist policies of Burgundy in the 14th and 15th centuries, at first violently opposed by the cities of the Low Countries, had a profound impact and changed this.

During Charles the Bold’s many wars, which were a major economic burden for the Burgundian Netherlands, tensions slowly increased. The subsequently issued Great Privilege met many of these demands, which included that Dutch, not French, should be the administrative language in the Dutch-speaking provinces and that the States-General had the right to hold meetings without the monarch’s permission or presence. Following Mary’s marriage to Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, the Netherlands were now part of the Habsburg lands. Nationalism of the 19th and 20th centuries never really caught on in the Netherlands, and this, together with being a relatively mono-ethnic society up until the late 1950s, has led to a relatively obscure use of the terms nation and ethnicity as both were largely overlapping in practice. Dutch, sometimes to anyone possessing Dutch citizenship.

Dutch cultural identity has become a subject of public debate in recent years following the increasing influence of the European Union and the influx of non-Western immigrants in the post-World War II period. In this debate typically Dutch traditions have been put to the foreground. In sociological studies and governmental reports, ethnicity is often referred to with the terms autochtoon and allochtoon. These legal concepts refer to place of birth and citizenship rather than cultural background and do not coincide with the more fluid concepts of ethnicity used by cultural anthropologists. As did many European ethnicities during the 19th century, the Dutch also saw the emerging of various Greater Netherlands- and pan-movements seeking to unite the Dutch-speaking peoples across the continent. During the entire Nazi occupation, the Germans denied any assistance to Greater Dutch ethnic nationalism, and, by decree of Hitler himself, actively opposed it. The total number of Dutch can be defined in roughly two ways.

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