Dog friendly birthday cake

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When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. If you really want to spoil your dog, why not learn how to make a dog cake? Celebrate your furry friend’s birthday, adoption day, or any other day! Here are 10 great dog cake recipes, including layer cakes, cupcakes, and gluten-free options. These recipes all use dog-friendly ingredients, but keep in mind that your dog could have food sensitivities or different dietary needs.

It is important to know that these cakes are only for special occasions and should be served to your dog in small amounts, as a very special treat. Your dog’s main diet should be based on animal-derived proteins, healthy fats, and a low amount of healthy carbohydrates. But yes, also doggy deserves to celebrate and have a treat! We start our list with a great recipe. It comes together by combining simple dog-and-human-friendly ingredients like pumpkin, oats, baking soda, eggs, peanut butter, and yogurt. The best part is that not only your dog will love this special treat, but he can also share it with you! Please when choosing the ingredients, make sure you choose them without artificial sweeteners, such as Xylitol as they can be very toxic for dogs.

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