Dill rice

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Serialization is the process of converting an object to a byte stream, and the inverse of which is converting a byte stream back to a python object hierarchy. It is left to the user to decide whether the data they unpickle is from a trustworthy source. If you have a new contribution, please submit a pull request. True, objects referred to in the global dictionary are recursively traced and pickled, instead of the default behavior of attempting to store the entire global dictionary. Options are HANDLE_FMODE for just the handle, CONTENTS_FMODE for the file content and FILE_FMODE for content and handle. False, objects reconstructed with types defined in the top-level script environment use the existing type in the environment rather than a possibly different reconstructed type. The default serialization can also be set globally in dill.

2 To aid in debugging pickling issues, use dill. The source code is also generally well documented, so further questions may be resolved by inspecting the code itself. Загрузка файлов Загрузите файл для вашей платформы. Если вы не уверены, какой выбрать, узнайте больше об установке пакетов. Разработано и поддерживается сообществом Python’а для сообщества Python’а. PyPI”, “Python Package Index”, and the blocks logos are registered trademarks of the Python Software Foundation.

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