Daves bbq

I agree to the Terms and Conditions. Meet Daves bbq: an AI dressed up in a bearsuit saving you from the evils of expensive overdraft fees. Insane bank charges could become a thing of the past with fintech app Dave, which analyzes spending patterns, predicts checking shortfalls—and covers them.

It’s difficult for consumers to anticipate when their account will become overdrawn. 1 a month, Dave will sync to a user’s account, analyze spending patterns and provide alerts when an account is in danger of going negative. There are now apps available that give you better insights on your money than ever before. Dave is forward looking, and will alert you if you are at risk of overdrawing on your account.

Get a helping hand from Future You, and tackle your spending today. Dave has fully-trained professionals standing by to help you out. Always there when I need them, and haven’t had any problems since day one. This is definitely a legit app. I was about to overdraft my account but thanks to Dave now I don’t have to pay those annoying fees! This app is shockingly simple in its interface and in its purpose. The information it asks for is as unobtrusive as possible for its stated function.

Has saved me from an overdraft 7 times. So helpful and absolutely non judgmental to lower income people. This app is useful for monitoring of your spending habits and alerts of upcoming transactions that could potentially overdraft your account. It also has an advance feature which will deposit funds into your account to help battle overdraft fees from those nasty banks! I honestly thought this app was a scam or something for sure. But it has actually helped me a lot without having to pay back double the amount.

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