Dasha malakhova

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The dasha pattern shows which planets according to Jyotish will be ruling at particular times. The Sanskrit term “dasha” in Hindu astrology is used to indicate planetary periods. Dashas provide a system to judge the effects of the planets throughout a person’s life, by indicating how the planets distribute their effects. Each dasha is controlled by one of the nine planets, and the quality and relative benevolence of each period is determined by the condition and position of that planet in the natal chart. There are at least 43 different dasha systems.

Dasha” is the major period of a planet. Rikta dasha”, “Rikta” means poor or devoid of any power. Vimshottari in Sanskrit stands for the number 120. Note the exact position of the Sun in the zodiac at the time of birth. When the Sun in the next round arrives at the same position, it is considered as one Solar year which is also the year taken for Udu Dasa system. By sub-dividing the same, days also are calculated. 4 Thus indicating that a year is to be taken as 365.

25 days, the length of time for the Sun to return to its original place. 24 minutes duration, 30 Savan Days make one month and 360 Savan Days make one year. The divisional longitude of each of the 27 nakshatras beginning with Ashwini and ending with Revati is 13 degrees and 20 minutes further divided into four quarters or padas. Each of the nine planets presides over a set of three nakshatras situated on the zodiac at a trine from each other. Saravali insists that the sign occupied by the Moon and the influences exercised on it by other planets through aspects etc. Moon then the mahadasa will give exceptionally good results.

All planets are rendered weak when the Moon is devoid of strength. The results about all astrological problems are to be deduced from the relevant bhava, its lord, its karaka, and their respective dispositors in the light of the intricacy displayed by the various yoga-formations caused by concerned planets. Shadabala and auspiciously placed with reference to the lagna without being afflicted by inimical malefic planets. Saturn situated in the 5th house from the lagna does not generally confer good results, though it can confer a long span of life but usually makes one evil-minded and quarrelsome. A planet may give a weak constitution but at the same time it may also produce financial and professional prosperity.

Gopesh Kumar Ojha states that the art of interpretation varies from circumstance to circumstance and with the subjective appreciation of the astrologer. If Ketu is favourably placed one devotes time and energy to the perusal of philosophy texts and engages in worship, derives much income from practice of medicine, enjoys domestic comforts and luxuries, good luck and freedom from disease. But if Ketu is ill-placed one may suffer intense pain of body and anguish of mind, accidents, wounds and fever, have low company and suffer bad consequences through them. If Venus is strong and favourably placed one may acquire things of art and pleasure, co-operates with others reciprocally in an harmonious manner and gains, falls in love, gets married, love and affection for spouse increases, begets daughters, rise due to the patronage or favour of some lady and well-wishers. If the Sun is strong and favourably placed the soul will feel strong, one may make efforts for self-realisation, live splendidly, travel far and wide, engage in strife or hostility that yields good dividend, rise in position and status, gains through trading, and benefits from father or father will benefit. If the Moon is strong and favourably placed one may have a cheerful heart, a happy and a vigorous mind, facial lustre increases, enjoys subtle pleasures and comforts, obtains a good job or rise in status, gains money and favours and pays homage to gods.

If the Moon is weak and afflicted one suffers from ill-health, lethargy and indolence, loss of job or demotion, loss from or quarrel with women and mother may fall ill or die. If Mars is strong and favourably placed one may gain from or through brothers, earn favour from persons wielding authority, enter into or promotion in military, para-military or police service, acquires landed property and other valuables, enjoys good health, exhibits optimism, daring and persistence. If Rahu is favourable one may gain ruling powers or rise in governmental favours by resorting to falsehoods, tricks and cunning, earn and gain wealth through unscrupulous means, changes place of residence. But if Rahu is unfavourable one suffers very many losses, suffers from snake-bite, aberration of the mind, hallucinations and illusions, asthma, eczema etc. It is the worst mahadasha for education or career which may be broken or disrupted.

If Saturn is favourable one rises in service by own strenuous efforts and hard work, derives benefits from things signified by Saturn and gains a legacy. But if Saturn is unfavourable one may suffer from diseases due to malnutrition, poverty, litigation etc. If Mercury is strong and favourable one devotes time and energy to studies, writing etc. But if Mercury is weak and afflicted one may suffer from nervous disease, a bad liver, loss due to bad friends and relations, due to own dishonesty and of others, defamation and the like.

Each mahadasha is also subdivided into planetary periods called Antra-dasha or Bhukti, and each antra-dasha is further divided into Pratyantar-dashas which run their course in the same order as the mahadashas, and with the same proportional length. The last bhukti of each mahadasha is considered to be a preparatory time for the major shift which the next mahadasha will bring. Venus, which prepares for the coming Moon mahadasha by emphasizing relationships and family matters. Rahu which prepares the mind for the practical and realistic Saturn mahadasha by reattaching it to stress and worldly concerns.

Antra dasha gives different results according to different ascendents. Fundamentals of Vedi Astrology, The Wessex Astrologer Ltd, England, p. Directional Astrology of the Hindus as propounded in Vimshottari Dasa, D. How Long is a Year in Vimsottari Mahadasa? Kalyan Verma’s Saravali, Motilal Banarsidas, Delhi, India, p.

Jataka Parijata, Motilal Banarsidas, Delhi, India, p. How to Judge a Horoscope, IBH Prakashana, Bengaluru, India, pp. Phaladeepika Bhavarthabodhini, Motilal Banarsidas, New Delhi, India, p. Belarusian-American actress, filmmaker, and host of the Red Scare podcast with Anna Khachiyan. She attended high school at Las Vegas Academy of the Arts, graduating in 2008, before attending Mills College, where she studied sociology and philosophy.

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