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On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. There are in total 673 municipalities in the region, of which 49 have the status of towns. There are 21 municipalities with extended powers and 34 municipalities with a delegated municipal office. The region is famous for its wine production. The region has approximately 1,188,000 inhabitants.

The net migration has been positive in all years since 2003, reaching its peak in 2007 when it reached 7,374 people. Since 2007 the region has also experienced natural population growth. In 2012 there were 37 thousand foreigners living in the region, forming 3. The average age of citizens in the region was 42.

The average age has grown by 5 years over the last two decades. The life expectancy at birth in 2012 was 75. 2 years for men and 81. Life expectancy has been growing over recent years. The divorce-marriage ratio in the region was 60.

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