Coffee and lime for weight loss

Roughly one year ago, I decided I wanted to lose weight. I had zero idea how I was going to do this, I only knew that I needed to start. One year later, I’ve lost 55 pounds. I wrote a post last June, after I had lost 43 pounds, explaining coffee and lime for weight loss different ways I’d approached losing weight.

I didn’t use a trainer, I didn’t do Keto or Paleo or follow an official diet, I didn’t eat specialty foods, and I didn’t do intermittent fasting. Those things work for lots of people, which is wonderful! I just hadn’t had success with them. I walked and did the rowing machine. I built muscle by lifting weights and doing lunges and squats. I ate more protein, ate less sugar and drank no alcohol. I used an app called Happy Scale to track my daily weight.

I switched to a standing desk and generally tried to stand and move more. So here’s what I’ve learned, one year later! The initial, more intense, stage doesn’t have to last forever. I started my weight loss journey in January 2021 and went all-in for the first five months. After that initial stage of counting calories, lifting weights, etc. I was glad I’d been so strict for that first stage, because it wound up being a nice crash course that equipped me going forward. Starting out with that discipline actually allowed me more freedom later in the process.

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