Cinnamon love

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Cinnamon is known for its intense scent and sweet flavor. However, aside from its culinary benefits, cinnamon is commonly used in spell crafting and has been revered for centuries as a herb of healing, spiritual awareness, and protection. So how can you use this magical herb in your own life? Native to Sri Lanka and Myanmar, cinnamon is a very positive herb that has been a symbol of fertility, love, spirituality, protection, good luck and health for centuries. Cinnamon represents masculine energy and is associated with the Sun and the element of Fire. Cinnamon use was first recorded in Chinese writings dating back to 2800BC.

In medieval times, cinnamon was famed for its healing properties and was used to heal a variety of ailments. Throughout history, cinnamon has also been highly regarded as a herb that can raise spiritual awareness due to its high vibration. Cinnamon has the power to activate the third eye chakra promoting physic awareness and intuition. Here are 10 powerful spiritual benefits of cinnamon. The high vibration of cinnamon makes it an excellent good luck charm that will also work to shield you from negative energies and spiritual attacks. Carrying a stick of cinnamon in your wallet or purse, or even adding a few drops of cinnamon oil to the outside of your purse, is said to attract prosperity both on a physical level and on a spiritual level.

Other herbs that work well with cinnamon and increase its wealth attracting abilities are cloves, cardamom and nutmeg. Just the thought of cinnamon is known to invoke a sense of warmth and homeliness. Making a simple cinnamon spray will allow you to invoke these feelings of protection whenever you feel lethargic, down, or when you feel like everything is going wrong in your life. Simply put a handful of crushed cinnamon sticks and cloves into 300ml of boiled water and allow to infuse for a few minutes. Burn cinnamon for cleansing and to dispel negative energy Cinnamon can be burned by placing powdered cinnamon or stick incense on a charcoal disc. You can also directly burn a cinnamon stick however do be careful to ensure you have a bowl for the burning embers to drop into.

Traditionally, cinnamon is almost as popular as white sage or Palo Santo in its ability to purify a space. Simply light your incense and walk around your room, allowing the smoke to enter every corner to dispel any negativity that has entered your home. Alternatively you can put a couple of cinnamon sticks into boiling water and let the resulting steam circulate in different areas of your home that need cleansing. You can also wash the floors of your home with cinnamon infused water. If you are looking to create an effective protective barrier around your home, try tying cinnamon sticks together on a piece of string and hanging them above your front door.

Aside from your front door, you can also place cinnamon sticks on your window sills if you are worried about negative energies entering through other areas of your home. Alternatively, you can also sprinkle a few pinches of powdered cinnamon around your room and window sills for protection. Diffuse cinnamon essential oil for raising your spiritual vibration The high spiritual vibration of cinnamon can be used to increase your own vibrations and allow you to achieve a higher level of consciousness and understanding. This makes it an excellent herb to use during any meditation practice. Its attractive aroma will encourage you to view situations in a positive and joyful light, which makes it a very beneficial herb if you suffer from depression, anxiety, or feelings of pessimism. Simply add a few drops to a diffuser and take deep breaths to allow the intense scent to calm your mind and promote a sense of self-awareness and confidence. You can also mix 2-3 drops of cinnamon oil into your usual moisturizer and use it for a rejuvenating massage or simply to moisturize and invigorate your skin.

Drinking a cup of cinnamon tea before any form of divination is thought to increase your spiritual awareness and allow for a more accurate reading. It is an excellent beverage to drink when you first wake up in the morning to boost your mood and shift your consciousness into a more relaxed, confident, and receptive state ready for the day ahead! Use cinnamon blowing ritual for manifesting your desires Cinnamon is a common ingredient added to any kind of spell work as it is believed to enhance your intent. One of the simplest rituals for bringing prosperity and success into your life is through cinnamon blowing.

Simply take a pinch of sea salt and a small amount of cinnamon powder in your dominant hand and take it to the place you wish to infuse with positive vibes, healing, or success, such as a workplace or your home. You can also say a few words aloud to solidify your intentions. When this cinnamon blows, prosperity and good luck in this house will come in! Then just blow the cinnamon and salt from your hand into the room.

You can also burn cinnamon incense or candles anointed with cinnamon oil to encourage prosperity to enter your life. Use cinnamon during moon rituals to attract success and wealth The light of a full moon is known to add power to any spell or ritual. The tree from which cinnamon is harvested is believed to be ruled by the moon so it is a fantastic herb to use during any moon ritual. As cinnamon is a positive herb, it is best used in moon magic spells that focus on bringing success, wealth, and joy to your life but it is also very effective when used during protection spells. Central to cinnamon’s magical properties is its connection to prosperity so it is particularly powerful during new moon rituals to signify your intentions for the month to come, and also for any spell that works to bring abundance into your life.

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