Chocolate chip cookies quick

When you chocolate chip cookies quick through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. What kind of magic do they put in chocolate, anyway? A close up image of chunks of chocolate. Raw, unprocessed chocolate tastes bitter and dry, but chocolate that’s been fermented, dried, and roasted, and had a bit of sugar and cream added to it, tastes divine.

People around the world enjoy the decadent flavor of chocolate on its own and in an enormous variety of foods. More than half of all the chocolate we consume comes from West African countries, primarily Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. Chocolate is derived from the fruit of the cacao tree, which grows exclusively in tropical climates. These lumpy berries, or pods, are full of up to 50 sour seeds, or beans, covered in white pulp. The pods are harvested by hand and cut open to remove the cocoa beans which are then placed in covered trays where they ferment for several days. After fermentation, the beans are uncovered and left out to dry.

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